Okay, so we really haven't done too much wedding stuff lately. Between me working and my thought that the wedding is a million years away and the fear that I will want to change my mind a million times between now and then, we haven't made too many plans. But, there are a few things in the works...
1) Get in shape! Did I mention that I have to shrink an entire dress size (or more) to fit into my dress? That alone is very daunting. I have always thought I could stand to lose some of my excess baggage, so even though the wedding is forever away, I am getting started now! Andrew and I have been eating healthier (fewer starches, no Starbucks [not like we can afford it anyway], less red meat, etc.) I have also developed an intense love of chocolate soy milk. I hate regular milk but this stuff is "delissy," as my future in-laws would say :). I have also started running! After seeing pics of Vivian looking amazing in her engagement party pics, I was motivated. It is hard, but once I change clothes, put on my ipod, and go outside, it's not all that bad. I even told Andrew that yesterday and today I have felt less flabby- could be a mental thing, but I will take it!
2) Honeymoon- We wanted to go to St. Lucia, but being that our current income is dismally tiny, something in the US may be in order. He is voting for Wine Country, but I am not so sure. We're still contemplating that one. We both want to go somewhere fun that we wouldn't be able to enjoy with a family, should we ever decide to expand ours beyond ourselves and our small menagerie.
3) This wasn't really in the works; it just happened. We went to an Open House tonight at the Gallery, another wedding venue. While it would be completely gorgeous for an outdoor ceremony, June does not lend itself to a nice, pretty time spent outside. Afterall, I don't want my guests to hate me! But, there was a caterer there that we can use if we go to Paraiso and the cake baker that we are seriously considering. I am a chocolate girl all the way, but the buttercream whatever the hell cake I had tonight was even better than the chocolate they had! This was the baker that made the Beatles Love cake, so I asked the man there how it came to be. Basically, it was a couple just like us who saw the show several times in Vegas and they wanted it incorporated into their cake. Andrew is still convinced this will be the best thing in the world for us. I am still not as confident, but you never know!
We have Best Buy gift cards and we don't know what to use them for. We are thinking engagement video blog. Will anyone care besides us? Probably not, but it could be something fun to do. I am off tomorrow and we will likely get bored so we will see.....